Benefit from extraordinary guitar lessons via Skype with highly qualified and experienced guitar instructors.

The Online Guitar Institute is pleased to offer online guitar lessons via Skype to adults across the world who are enthusiastic about learning to play the guitar!

Following the establishment of various music academies for amateur guitarists throughout the world, Stefan Joubert established the Online Guitar Institute to provide guitar enthusiasts from all around the world with high-quality guitar instruction.

The key reason for his huge success is his undying love and devotion to adult guitarists who play for fun. Following the phenomenal success of our music studios in London, Paris, and Dubai, he wanted all amateur guitarists in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Australia to benefit from the greatest guitar education for adults.

His extraordinary understanding of the adult amateur guitarist has led him to establish a one-of-a-kind teaching style that is equally based on structure and enjoyment, and which has proven to be incredibly successful for more than two decades.

He is very aware of the challenges that an adult may experience when attempting to develop their technical and interpretative guitar skills. As a result, he always guarantees that people who study at the Online Guitar Institute make excellent progress while having a great time.

If you want to learn how to play the guitar from a master guitar instructor but live in a remote area and don’t have access to a superb instructor, this is your chance.

All of our guitar instructors have studied with some of the world’s best masters of guitar and have an amazing grasp of both the art of playing and instruction. They are experts in adult guitar instruction and coaching.

If you are looking for high-quality online guitar lessons, please contact us right away and we will do our best to accommodate you for your first lesson.

An unparalleled understanding of adult amateur guitarists

We excel at teaching adult amateur guitarists how to play the guitar. It takes a specific set of talents, which we have and use to make your guitar education an exceptional adventure.

We welcome amateur guitarists from all areas of life, including lawyers, doctors, traders, engineers, architects, pharmacists, physicians, writers, film directors, TV producers, and insurance brokers, to pursue their passion for playing guitar and become the amazing guitarist they have always wished to be!

Our guitar instructors are amazing and will look after your development!

They are non-judgemental

It can be intimidating as an adult to perform in front of a stranger for the first time and to demonstrate your schoolwork from one week to the next.
Our guitar instructors are well aware of your possible embarrassment and will never judge you. On the contrary, they will always be there to assist you and make you feel at ease, no matter what challenges you may be experiencing with playing the guitar.

They are attentive to your requirements and desires

A guitar teacher must adjust to each pupil individually in order to be an excellent teacher.

Our teaching philosophy is very personalized, and our guitar instructors never follow a predefined curriculum.

Because each adult comes to our guitar lessons with a varied history and a unique set of aims and desires, we place a high value on the exclusivity of each of our classes.

Some amateur guitarists should work on their technique, while others should improve their musical ability. It is for this reason that our guitar instructors do not follow a predetermined framework, but rather design the sessions week by week in response to your progress or needs from one lesson to the next.

They are extremely receptive and sensitive

Our guitar instructors are incredibly open-minded and always take the time to consider their students’ feelings.

We believe that every meaningful achievement requires a beautiful relationship between a teacher and a student. We need to know that you are free to ask questions, discuss any concerns, and share your pleasures and frustrations with us at any time during your guitar education.

Our guitar instructors want you to feel like they are not just your coach but also terrific friends with whom you can share all of your thoughts and ideas!

Instead of patronising you, they promote innovation and assist you in becoming the amazing guitarist that exists inside you. They always guide and support you in the route you want to go.

We feel that the ideal way to teach any adult guitarist is to harness their unique personality features, as well as their specific wishes and existing talents, to help them become the superb guitarist that they already are without even realising it.

Teaching is not about modelling someone in a certain way, but rather about bringing to life the guitarist you already are.

Our guitar instructors have the exceptional talents required for this phenomenal accomplishment because of their remarkable sense of psychology and unrivalled experience.

They are excellent pedagogues

There is a big difference between being an extraordinary performer and being a master instructor.

Some outstanding concert guitarists who perform wonderfully are frequently unable to pass on their skills to others in an understandable manner. They are superb players, but not so much as teachers.

Our guitar instructors are equally outstanding in both exercises: they can perform at an international level and provide you with the best guitar tuition for adults accessible today.

Our guitar instructors are described by their pupils as fascinating and enthusiastic people

Hundreds of professional guitarists are available to teach guitar to adult amateur guitarists. But do they have this vibrant personality, this excitement, this positivism, and all the resources required to motivate you and help you become the magnificent guitarist that you truly are?
Our guitar instructors’ luminosity, positivism, and passion for playing guitar will undoubtedly inspire you!

Thanks to the power of the new technology, it is now possible for all guitar enthusiasts to study with a master guitarist

We have witnessed an extraordinary advancement in technology over the last 10 years, which has opened doors and greatly facilitated communication between persons.

Making connections is now much easier. The capacity to communicate quickly with people on the other side of the world has provided us with a much broader opportunity to gather knowledge and obtain a higher degree of education.

It is worth noting that while new technology is employed on a regular basis by multinational corporations, it is often overlooked by those seeking a top education. We feel that this is related to the difficulty that potential students and teachers have in breaking away from traditions. Unfortunately, some students still assume that their instructor must be physically present in order to provide an effective education.
Have those who are sceptical about online guitar lessons tried it before concluding that it cannot work? Most likely not.

At The Online Guitar Institute, we serve a large number of guitarists who previously had in-person lessons and have tried to attend without being in the same location due to an open mind. They are all pleased with their development and find that they like their online guitar lessons even more!

It has been such a success that we strongly invite all guitar aficionados to share their fellow guitarists’ experiences:

  1. They do not need to commute.
  2. They can learn from the comfort of their residence.
  3. They can warm up until the lesson starts.
  4. They are able to revise what they have learnt as soon as the session ends.
  5. More importantly, they can study with the most excellent guitar instructors without being limited to their local instructor and possibly suffering from a poor guitar education.

It should not be missed if you have the opportunity to study with a master guitarist, regardless of where you are in the globe. On the contrary, it should be taken seriously!

Stefan Joubert

“I always take great pride in helping all my students to succeed at the utmost!”

You can now learn to play guitar from anywhere as an adult guitar student!

The world is now your oyster! You can now study guitar with brilliant guitar instructors from the Online Guitar Institute who specialise in teaching adults how to play the guitar!

Beautiful woman playing electric guitar

Get started with your Skype guitar lessons today!

Never before has life been so convenient!

You can now simply learn to play the guitar with a master instructor right from the comfort of your own living room!

Benefit from London’s premier guitar education for adults from literally anywhere across the globe including New York, Chicago, Toronto, Paris, Frankfurt, Zürich, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Johannesburg, Sydney and a whole host more including the most remote places on earth…

Now there is no excuse for sloppy guitar technique, as you can benefit from exceptional guitar lessons from literally anywhere in the world!

You can now take electric Skype guitar lesson, acoustic Skype guitar lesson, metal Skype guitar lesson, rock Skype guitar lesson, jazz Skype guitar lesson, blues Skype guitar lesson, folk Skype guitar lesson, classical Skype guitar lesson, and learn to play guitar in the style of music that YOU love!

Man smiling having guitar lessons at home

All you need is a computer with internet, a headset and a passion for playing guitar

Yes, it is really that simple!

You really do not need much. And what is more, you do not even need to travel or commute to your guitar lessons.

Nothing could be simpler. Now you can enjoy top-notch guitar lessons at a convenient time for you with exceptional guitar instructors from anywhere in the world.

Fast Internet is obviously recommended. Most standard Internet connections found in the UK and abroad will do.

You will be delighted to know just how easy it all is!

Student having online guitar lesson

The following options are available for online “Skype-based” guitar lessons:

  • 90 Minutes per week – * Most recommended for intermediate/advanced guitarists
  • 60 Minutes per week
  • 45 Minutes per week –  * Most recommended for beginners
  • 30 Minutes per week

Man having online guitar lesson at home